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Fill2Pure Water Purification - Advanced & Extreme Filters to protect against waterbourne diseases
F2p Black Thermal Stainless Bottle
Retail Price $99.99
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With Advanced Filter
The Advanced Fill2Pure water bottle is the most technological advanced filter/purifier, of its type, currently available in Australia. This filter/purifier removes 99.9999% of bacteria and virus, and 99.99% of chemicals and heavy metals.
The Fill2Pure 800ml Advanced Water Filtration flip top bottle is the perfect solution for those traveling to foreign countries where drinking water quality is unknown, unsafe or only available at a premium. Simply fill your bottle from any tap, stream, river or lake and enjoy clean, great tasting purified drinking water instantly.
The filter utilises proprietary media with iodinated resin to reduce bacteria and virus. It filters to 2 microns.
The product removes:
. 99.9999% of bacteria including e-coli, vibrio cholerae, salmonella, campylobacter, shigella & salmonella typhi
. 99.99% of parasites including giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica & cryptosporidium parvum
. 99.9999% of virus including enteroviruses, rotaviruses, norovirus & hepatitis A
. 99.99% of heavy metals including arsenic, lead, mercury, fluoride, copper, zinc, aluminium & chromium 6
. 99.99% of chemicals including DDT, MTBE, benzene & chloroforms